Indian agriculture, horticulture can benefit
(too old to reply)
2013-02-17 09:54:58 UTC
Cultivating Loquat too.

Of course Kaki does have better chance as some lands are not suitable
for good quality mango.

Strangely Indians have not recognized usages of varieties cactus.

Mexico is making good money cultivating Opuntia cactus. Regions which
were dependent on Tobaco cultivation have turned to cactus cultivation
and are thriving.

While all kinds of cactus in Indian agriculture are fit only to make
thorny hedges
2013-02-17 10:02:44 UTC
Post by DMJoshi
Cultivating Loquat too.
Of course Kaki does have better chance as some lands are not suitable
for good quality mango.
Strangely Indians have not recognized usages of varieties cactus.
Mexico is making  good money cultivating Opuntia cactus. Regions which
were dependent on Tobaco cultivation have turned to cactus cultivation
and are thriving.
While all kinds of cactus in Indian agriculture are fit only to make
thorny hedges
Check out

and/or www.mantra.com/jai (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
2013-02-17 20:14:42 UTC
In article
Post by DMJoshi
Cultivating Loquat too.
Of course Kaki does have better chance as some lands are not suitable
for good quality mango.
Strangely Indians have not recognized usages of varieties cactus.
Mexico is making good money cultivating Opuntia cactus. Regions which
were dependent on Tobaco cultivation have turned to cactus cultivation
and are thriving.
While all kinds of cactus in Indian agriculture are fit only to make
thorny hedges
Mangoes should most definitely take precedence.
Dayashankar Joshi would be commended for wearing his
patriotism on his sleeves if he chooses to promote
mangoes, the fruit that was widely appreciated at the
court of Regent Bharat in Ayodhya But Dayashankar must
make sure it is the Indian variety of mangoes that he is
promoting rather than the Pakistani variety.
It will be prudent of Londoners to opt for the Indian
variety in preference to a Pakistani variety after some
unhappy experience with the latter in a north western
borrough of London.
Health workers are reported to be pointing fingers
against a particular variety of mangoes of Pakistani
origin that was recently imported into London from an
Indian orchard in the Kathiawar peninsula.
Dayashankar Joshi's might want to get in touch with
Ratilal Kalyani owns an experimental orchard in the
Kathiawar peninsula.
Mangoes are definitely a significant presence in that
orchard - mangoes from every corner of the subcontinent.
Needless to say, the orchard has a Pakistani variety of
mangoes as well - the same variety that had been used to
hide explosives during General Zia ul Haq's last plane
To make a long story short, Vipul Chandaria (a cousin of
Ratilal Kalyani), an importer from a north western
borrough of London, had a very bad experience with this
Pakistani variety of mangoes that he had imported from
the Ratillal Orchard and had sold them through local
Indian stores around the Wembley stadium on streets like
Grayton Road, Kenton Road, Sheepcote Road and Station
Quite a few of the mango buyers came down with severe
bouts of diarrhea after eating the Pakistani variety of
mangoes from the Ratilal Orchard. The authorities have
impounded all suspected mangoes from stores in Wembley
and have suspended the import license for products from
the Ratilal Orchard.
Dayashankar Joshi should also consult Hansa-ben to look
into possibilities with orchards in East Africa -
primarily Kenya. Hansa still has a lot of contacts in
Kenya. She might be able to give Dayshankar not just a
good deal but a clean deal as well.
A previous post:

[ From: Satish Kumar <***@yahoo.com>
[ Subject: Re: Indian Mangoes can sell better in UK
[ Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011
On Jun 15, 3:14=A0pm, "Nusrat, Rowayton, Connecticut"
Post by DMJoshi
On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:23:31 -0700 (PDT), Rakesh
You have got it pumped up your ass by the dicks of you paying
Joshijee, you are now a sptugenarian. At your age, you should be
setting an example for the rest of the people on this group. Instead,
you are typing lewd stuff. Please don't corrupt the young and the
innocent. Act your age.
I whole heartedly agree, this is not the first time our elders
have been rebuked for being reckless and lewd.
Sorry Rizvi Sahib, but the twit does not understand any other
It would be too much to ask you to spend any time to read follow
ups of this mother fucker to my posts.
To this day, Dayashankar continues to harbor very strong feelings
against his own mother for real and imagined wrong doingd,

Dayashankar's mental disintegration has led him to project his anger
against all mothers and sisters. That, coupled with his medical
condition that has him 24/7 with a catheter to be able to pee, has
left Dayashankar deriving solace by fantasizing about fucking mothers
and sisters. Dayashankar can't really help himself when he types those
lewd stuff.

But as an elderly 73 year old, with one foot already on his funeral
pyre, Dayashankar will do a lot better by reading the Geeta instead of
typing lewd stuff in a forum where practically all nettors are less
than half his age. The 73-year Dayashankar is a real embarrassment to
the newsgroup.
One thing perhaps I can get satisfaction from is that two
fools, one of them you are replying to, have been made
busy to keep watch on geography in 10 kilometers around
where I live. Like yours my address is available web.
Ever since Dayashankar got into trouble with the law
following Councillor Susan Hall's efforts to keep Harrow
clean, his territorial activities of reliving his
childhood pleasures from his Porbandar days are now a
part of public record. No one needs to keep watch. It is
already there in the public domain.

Here's a newspaper report from disseminated by Gujarat
Mitra in 2008 (17th November):

Dainik Gujarat Mitra Samachar


Harrovian Horror
Kenya Born Housewife's Public Spat With Councillor Boomerangs On

By Hasmukh Nairobiwala

HARROW: In Surat they have a saying that you can take a
man out of Porbandar but you can never take Porbandar out
of him. A Kenya born housewife Hansa Joshi of Harrow
learnt that anew when her heated exchange with Councillor
Susan Hall during a chance encounter at the Wembley
Stadium came back to haunt her with vengeance..

Hansa Joshi, a petite elderly housewife at Harrow, took
Councillor Susan Hall to task for the lack of cleanliness
in the local streets. Councillor Susan Hall argued back
that it takes a lot to clean up after the 2068 roads of
the borough with existing cleaning staff. The borough has
been forced to prioritize and it is the highways that
always get cleaned first while the side streets often
remain dirty.

Hansa Joshi insisted that motorists on highways can
easily make do with less cleaning. It is the side streets
like Grayton Road, Kenton Road, Sheepcote Road and
Station Road that really needs the cleaning to make life
easier for people who have only their legs to take them
to grocery stores. Hansa Joshi accused Councillor Susan
Hall of being completely out of touch with ground
realities because the Councillor probably never had to
walk on the dirty streets aganst on-coming traffic to get
her milk, bread, vegtables and Garvee Gujarat snacks like
gathia and chivda.

Councillor Susan Hall felt humiliated by the public spat
at the Wembeley Stadium. But as a conscientious public
servant she immediately set up a task force under
Constable Pinkerton to investigate. Constable Pinkerton
didn't take long to determine the root of the problem.
Somebody was constantly relieving himself/herself on the
streets in question (Grayton Road, Kenton Road, Sheepcote
Road and Station Road). The person was committing public
nuisance on these roads prolifically, but always very
surreptitiously. Pedestrians like Hansa Joshi indeed had
more than ample reasons to complain because they were
frequently stepping on human excreta by accident.

The break in the case came unexpectedly when an irate
father, Mr. George Brown of 24 Grayton Court, lodged a
complaint with Constable Pinkerton that a neighbor had
been committing public nuisance in front of his house,
often times in plain view of his eight year old son
Jeffrey Brown. The neighbor was promptly apprehended and
forensic tests confirmed that the excreta along Grayton
Road, Kenton Road, Sheepcote Road and Station Road had
all come from the same source, namely, the colon of the
neighbor under arrest. The neighbor had grown up in
Porbandar and was reliving the joys of his boyhood by
passing bowel on the pavements of Harrow.

Imagine Hansa Joshi's shock and chagrin when she
discovered that the culprit, Dayashankar Joshi, was from
her own household located on Grayton Road. Dayashankar
Joshi is now free on bail. And a fuming Hansa Joshi has
vowed never to allow Dayashankar Joshi on the streets of
Harrow (or even of Nairobi and Surat) before he empties
his colon of excrement. Hansa Joshi has gone on to
declare that if Dayashankar Joshi doesn't do it on his
own, she is going to pour toilet bowl cleaner down his
colon to clear it of stool before letting him out on the
streets.That should work !

Copyright 2001-2011 Gujarat Mitra Samachar Media Group
Post by DMJoshi
Why they harbor such strong feelings for each others is totally beyond
me. At my age I am happy to be alive and cherish every moment given to
me. It is hard for me to fathom why old timers should squander it all
by throwing dirt on each others instead of being magnanimous.
End of the previous post.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

